AKAM members' contact details for networking

AKAM is a community for all participants in the key account management ‘sector’: key account managers, corporates, academics and consultants/developers. This list of contact details allows members to contact each other to exchange experiences, offer support, assist each other with common problems, extend the network or any other issue.

Opportunity to network

The list contains members’ names, organisations and email addresses, and countries in most cases. You can email any member and ask to make contact, preferably explaining what has prompted you to contact them. You can then exchange phone numbers if you both agree to do so. This is a great opportunity, make the most of it!

First name Last name Organisation Email address
Vishwasrai Ahuja Pfizer India vishwasrai.ahuja@pfizer.com
Andreas Alvensleben Pfizer Argentina Andreas.Alvensleben@pfizer.com
Roberto Araujo Pfizer Brazil roberto.m.araujo@pfizer.com
 Henri Attias Sidel henri.attias@sidel.com
Fawaz Baddar AKAM Board Member, IESEG School of Management, France f.baddar@ieseg.fr
John Bailey Hiab, UK john.bailey@hiab.com
Victoria Bates Pfizer UK victoria.bates@pfizer.com
Alejandro Bayro Gruenberger IESEG School of Management, France alejandra.bayrogruenberger@ieseg.fr
Karim Bennaziz Houmane BNPParibas, France bennaziz@orange.fr
Mehdi Benomar Pfizer France mehdi.benomar@pfizer.com
Massimo Berlin DNV GL massimo.berlin@dnvgl.com
Nicola Boni Bonfiglioli, Italy nicola.boni@bonfiglioli.com
Lucile Boyer-Nardon IESEG School of Management, France lucile.boyernardon@ieseg.fr
Celine Breton IMI Precision Engineering celine.breton@imi-precision.com
Mariano Bruschi Pfizer Argentina Mariano.Bruschi@pfizer.com
Anthony Buckley AKAM Board Member, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland anthony.buckley@dit.ie
MS Burhan Pfizer India MS.Burhan@pfizer.com
Michele Carlos Pfizer Philippines MICHELE.CARLOS@Pfizer.com
Frank Carr Financial Risk Solutions, Ireland Frscarr@yahoo.ie
Alexandre Carrette Hiab, France alexandre.carrette@hiab.com
Andrea Cassia Pfizer Italy Andrea.Cassia@pfizer.com
Queen Dorie Castro Pfizer Philippines QUEENDORIE.CASTRO@Pfizer.com
Sébastien Cazelles Pfizer France sebastien.cazelles@pfizer.com
Arnil Changarnkha Pfizer Thailand Arnil.Changarnkha@Pfizer.com
David Cheetham IESEG School of Management, France david.cheetham@ieseg.fr
Dhaval Chokshi Pfizer India Dhaval.Chokshi@pfizer.com
Dominykas Cibulskas Walmark, Lithuania dominykas.cibulskas.consult@gmail.com
Louise Collins Louise Collins Associates, UK louise@louisecollinsassociates.com
Melissa Comia Pfizer Philippines melissa.comia@pfizer.com
Christophe Coppenolle Pfizer Belgium Christophe.Coppenolle@pfizer.com
Eddie Corless Redmills, Ireland Edward.Corless@redmills.ie
Miguel Correa Pfizer Brazil Miguel.a.correa@pfizer.com
Dominique Côté Summit Value dc@Summitvalue.com
Freddy Couchy AKAM Board Member, France freddy.couchy@gmail.com
Jacques Couniot Nilfisk A/S, Denmark jacques.couniot@gmail.com
Emmanuel Cruz Pfizer Philippines EMMANUEL.CRUZ@Pfizer.com
Steen Damgaard Seadrill Management Ltd steen.damgaard@seadrill.com
Amitava Das Pfizer India Amitava.Das@pfizer.com
Arnoud Den Ouden Pfizer Europe Arnoud.DenOuden@pfizer.com
Donald Desantis Pfizer USA donald.desantis@pfizer.com
Vincent Devos Pfizer Belgium Vincent.Devos@pfizer.com
Iwan Dijkstra ForgeRock iwan.dijkstra@forgerock.com
Alison Dixon Pfizer UK alison.dixon@pfizer.com
Samir Djeghri Pfizer Algeria Samir.Djeghri@pfizer.com
Mohamed Dogheim Pfizer Global Mohamed.Dogheim@pfizer.com
Susan Donaldson Pfizer UK susan.donaldson@pfizer.com
Bjoern Donners Carel, Germany bjoern.donners@carel.com
Armelle Dupont Daupeyroux AKAM Board Member, Amcor Flexibles,Switzerland armelle@agdaup.com
Francois Favreau IESEG School of Management, France francois.favreau@ieseg.fr
Jasmin Feste University of Bamberg, Germany jasmin.feste@uni-bamberg.de
SekPhiew Foo Pfizer Malaysia SekPhiew.Foo@pfizer.com
Denise Freier SAMA, USA freier@strategicaccounts.org
Bastien Germon Pfizer France bastien.germon@pfizer.com
Gabriella Giles International SOS, gabriella.giles@internationalsos.com
Veronique Gobiet Pfizer Belgium Veronique.Gobiet@pfizer.com
Ramiro Gomez IESEG School of Management, France ramiro.gomez@ieseg.fr
Bobby Good Pfizer UK bobby.j.good@pfizer.com
Caroline Graham IESEG School of Management, France caroline.graham@ieseg.fr
Claire Grasso Pfizer Australia claire.grasso@pfizer.com
Mike Green AKAM Board Member, UK msg64@blueyonder.co.uk
Sostine Grosset-Janin Oracle, Spain sgrosset@gmail.com
Lisdaria Gultom Pfizer Indonesia Lisdaria.Gultom@pfizer.com
Rafi Habibian Pfizer UK rafi.habibian@pfizer.com
Nicholas Harvey Pfizer Australia Nicholas.Paul.Harvey@pfizer.com
Toto Hermanto Pfizer Indonesia Toto.Hermanto@Pfizer.com
Nima Hierati Queen Mary University, London n.heirati@qmul.ac.uk
Caroline Hondre International SOS caroline.hondre@internationalsos.com
Duc Huynh Vallourec Tubes duc.huynh@vallourec.com
Richard Ilsley Sales & Marketing Consulting Group, UK richard.ilsley@smcg.net
Ilya Ishkov Sveza, Russia is.ishkov@sveza.com
Bjoern Ivens University of Bamberg, Germany bjoern.ivens@uni-bamberg
Pichitchai Jakpaisan Pfizer Thailand Pichitchai.Jakpaisan@Pfizer.com
Armando Juarez Pfizer Mexico armando.juarez@pfizer.com
Kuanchai Jeerararuensak Pfizer Thailand Kuanchai.Jeerararuensak@pfizer.com
Wilawan Khuntanapong Pfizer Thailand Wilawan.Khuntanapong@pfizer.com
Eszter Kismarczi Bufab, eszter.kismarczi@bufab.com
Mara Klostermann IESEG School of Management, France mara.klostermann@ieseg.fr
Rahul Kohli Pfizer India Rahul.Kohli@pfizer.com
Pieter Kopmels DSM, The Netherlands pieter.kopmels@dsm.com
Justin Kotzur Boehringer-Ingelheim, USA  justin.kotzur@boehringer-ingelheim.com
Natalia Kudinova IESEG School of Management, France natalia.kudinova@ieseg.fr
Mustika Kurniasari Pfizer Indonesia Mustika.Kurniasari@pfizer.com
Antonella La Rocca AKAM Board Member, Rennes School of Business, France antonella.la.rocca@usi.ch
Tersia Labuschagne Pfizer, South Africa tersia.labuschagne@pfizer.com
Vincent Ladougne Ponticelli, France vladougne@ponticelli.com
Inga Lauzikaite Pfizer Baltics Inga.Lauzikaite@pfizer.com
Philippe Legrand Pfizer Belgium Philippe.legrand@pfizer.com
Mariana Leon Pfizer Argentina mariana.leon@pfizer.com
SuhNi Leong Pfizer Malaysia SuhNi.Leong@pfizer.com
Jing Li IESEG School of Management, France jing.li@ieseg.fr
ShuhLing Lim Pfizer Malaysia ShuhLing.Lim@pfizer.com
Grace Lingat Pfizer Philippines grace.Lingat@Pfizer.com
Claudia Litzka Iggesund, Germany claudia.litzka@iggesund.com
Mohd Liyakhat Pfizer India Mohd.Liyakhat.Ali@pfizer.com
David Lomax TP Group, UK david.lomax@tpgroup.uk.com
Lai-JianConnie Looi Pfizer Malaysia Lai-JianConnie.Looi@Pfizer.com
Jerid Lydic Pfizer Global jerid.lydic@pfizer.com
Laura Maas IESEG School of Management, France laurarebecca.maas@ieseg.fr
Thomas Maheo Pfizer France thomas.maheo@pfizer.com
Prasanna Manda Unilever, UAE Prasanna.Manda@unilever.com
Henrik Mannerstrale Powersales Communication, Sweden henrik@powersalescommunication.se
Craig Manser Pfizer Australia craig.manser@pfizer.com
Jose Martinho Pfizer Brazil Jose.m.martinho@pfizer.com
Andrius Masteika AB Lietuvos draudimas, Lithuania andrius.masteika@ld.lt
Owen Matel Pfizer Philippines Harold.Owen.Matel@Pfizer.com
Sarah McDonald Pfizer Global Sarah.McDonald@pfizer.com
Tracey Meiklem Pfizer UK tracey.t.meiklem@pfizer.com
Gregory Mercier Esker, France gregory.mercier@esker.fr
Manuel Merello Pfizer Argentina Manuel.Merello@pfizer.com
Mieke Michels Pfizer Belgium Mieke.Michels@pfizer.com
Thomas Molnar Tomra, Belgium thomas.molnar@tomra.com
John Molony Pfizer Ireland john.molony@pfizer.com
Melvin Mondragon Pfizer Philippines MELVIN.MONDRAGON@Pfizer.com
Javier Montana Pfizer Europe Javier.Montana@pfizer.com
Manuel Morales Vendries IESEG School of Management, France manuel.moralesvendries@ieseg.fr  
Maurice Moynihan Tomra Sorting Solutions, Ireland Maurice.Moynihan@tomra.com
Duangruthai Muangwijit Pfizer Thailand Duangruthai.Muangwijit@pfizer.com
Michael Mueller Freelance Consultant, Germany michael.muellerbiblis@outlook.de
Lesley Murphy Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland lesley.murphy@dit.ie
Nandalia Nandalia Pfizer Indonesia Nandalia.Nandalia@pfizer.com
Simona Neil Pfizer Global Simona.Neil@pfizer.com
Sam Nelly   samnelly@gmail.com
Valentin Novitsky Diageo noff.valentin@gmail.com
Suci Nurwidia Pfizer Indonesia SuciUtami.Nurwidia@pfizer.com
Nusirwan Nusirwan Pfizer Indonesia Nusirwan.Nusirwan@Pfizer.com
Brendan O’Sullivan Iggesund brendan.osullivan@iggesund.com
Shirley Ong Pfizer Malaysia shirley.ong@pfizer.com
Mila Ongpin Pfizer Philippines mila.ongpin@pfizer.com
Ben Openshaw John Deere, UK OpenshawBenjaminD@JohnDeere.com
Maksim Ostarhov Itransition mostarhov@gmail.com
Tuna Patir Pfizer Europe Tuna.Patir@pfizer.com
Alessandro Pedone Pfizer Italy Alessandro.Pedone@Pfizer.com
Mark Pehlig Fugro, The Netherlands m.pehlig@fugro.com
Alexander Penner Germany alexander_penner@hotmail.com
Andrea Peralta Giraldo IESEG School of Management, France andreacarolina.peraltagiraldo@ieseg.fr
Rossano Perrotta Pfizer Brazil Rossano.perrotta@pfizer.com
Gaetan Peyroux Esker, France gaetan.peyroux@esker.com
Yen Pham Pfizer Vietnam Yen.PhamThiHoang@pfizer.com
Vuttiphon Pichitchaipitak Pfizer Thailand Vuttiphon.Pichitchaipitak@pfizer.com
Eduardo Picoli Pfizer Brazil Eduardo.B.Picoli@pfizer.com
Marilia Ponte IESEG School of Management, France marilia.ponte@ieseg.fr
Petrus Prabowo Pfizer Indonesia PetrusRadiantoD.Prabowo@pfizer.com
Yudi Prasetyo Pfizer Indonesia Yudi.Prasetyo@pfizer.com
Cyryl Przybyl Vetoquinol, Poland cyryl.przybyl@vetoquinol.com
Berhhard Purschke Hiab Germany GmbH bernhard.purschke@hiab.com
Antoine Quily Valmont Industries, Spain an.quily@valmont.com
Geoff Quinn Pfizer Global, UK Geoff.Quinn@Pfizer.com
Kanyarat Rattanabuppa Pfizer Thailand Kanyarat.Rattanabuppa@Pfizer.com
Andrew Reddinger IESEG School of Management, France andrew.reddinger@ieseg.fr
Caroline Reidy Pfizer, Ireland Caroline.Reidy@pfizer.com
Marco Reintjens Clients for Life, Netherlands marco@clientsforlife.nl
Fanny Remond Sidel, France Fanny.Remond@sidel.com
Guillaume Renard Esker, France guillaume.renard@esker.fr
Graham Reynolds Pfizer Australia graham.reynolds@pfizer.com
Jakob Rheme AKAM Board Member, Linkoping University, Sweden jakob.rehme@liu.se
Olivier Riviere AKAM Deputy Chairman, OR Consulting olivier.riviere@t-online.de
Nora Rodriguez Torres IESEG School of Management, France noraarisai.rodrigueztorres@ieseg.fr
Cedric Roesler Ylera Care, France cedric.roesler@yleracare.com
Anthony Sacco Pfizer UK anthony.sacco@pfizer.com
Zaldy Saludo Pfizer Philippines zaldy.saludo@pfizer.com
Kirsty Sanders UK kirsty2605@hotmail.com
Sethjirapa Sawangsataporn Pfizer Thailand Sethjirapa.Sawangsataporn@pfizer.com
Rainer Schroeder ABB, Switzerland rainer.schroeder.ch@outlook.com
Diane Schulz Serviceplan d.schulz@serviceplan.com
Grégory Sebert Pfizer France gregory.sebert@pfizer.com
  Emanuele Sevà DNVGL Emanuele.Seva@dnvgl.com
KK Sharma Pfizer India Karuna.Sharma@pfizer.com
Rhia Simabajon Pfizer Philippines RhiaFarrah.Simbajon@Pfizer.com
Marco Sisti SDA Bocconi School of Management, Italy marco.sisti@sdabocconi.it
Geert Smets LafargeHolcim, UK geert.smets@lafargeholcim.com
Mark Smith John Deere, UK SmithMarkJ@JohnDeere.com
Ivan Snehota Università Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland ivan.snehota@usi.ch
Meiqing Soh Pfizer Singapore Meiqing.Soh@pfizer.com
Bernard Soulier Pfizer France bernard.soulier@pfizer.com
Marc Sourd Pfizer France marc.sourd@pfizer.com
Nadine Stumpf Pfizer, Switzerland Nadine.Stumpf@pfizer.com
Wanyu Sun IESEG School of Management, France wanyu.sun@ieseg.fr
Andrew Sutton Pfizer New Zealand Andrew.Sutton@pfizer.com
Ashok Suyambukesan Pfizer India Ashok.Suyambukesan@pfizer.com
Heru Syafiun Pfizer Indonesia Heru.Syafiun@pfizer.com
Pierre Tabary Schneider Electric pierre.tabary@schneider-electric.com
Darren Talbot Pfizer UK darren.talbot@pfizer.com
Jareerat Taratummarat Pfizer Thailand Jareerat.Taratummarat@pfizer.com
Imai Tatsuru Pfizer Japan Tatsuru.Imai@pfizer.com
Emmily Tavera IESEG School of Management, France emmily.tavera@ieseg.fr
Alistair Taylor Brightbridge Consulting, UK alistairt@brightbridgeconsulting.com
Ratchanee Teeratomorn Pfizer Thailand Ratchanee.Teeratomorn@pfizer.com
Jesline Teoh Pfizer Malaysia jesline.teoh@pfizer.com
Chongphisuth Thaitast Pfizer Thailand Chongphisuth.Thaitast@pfizer.com
Dietz Tonnies IESEG School of Management, France dietz.tonnies@ieseg.fr
Jamie Tyndall Pfizer Australia jamie.tyndall@pfizer.com
Vasilis Tzinieris Pfizer Greece vasilis.tzinieris@pfizer.com
Donna Umali Pfizer Philippines Donna.R.Umali@Pfizer.com
Mark van Harwegen den Breems Tomra, The Netherlands mark.vanharwegen@tomra.com
Rene van Luytelaar Bufab, The Netherlands rene.vanluytelaar@bufab.com
Naomi Van Tricht Pfizer, The Netherlands naomi.vantricht@pfizer.com
Livia Vandamme IESEG School of Management, France livia.vandamme1@ieseg.fr
Sabine VandenAbbeele Pfizer Belgium Sabine.VandenAbbeele@pfizer.com
Andrea Veneziani Carel, Italy andrea.veneziani@carel.com


Helena Veronika Pfizer Indonesia Helena.R.Veronika@pfizer.com
Rudolphe Vetchenou Mérieux NutriSciences rvetchenou@yahoo.fr
Ronald Viloria Pfizer Philippines ronald.viloria@pfizer.com
Janbert Vitorillo Pfizer Philippines janbert.vitorillo@pfizer.com
Tao VoVan pfizer vietnam tao.vovan@pfizer.com
Stefan Wengler Hof University, Germany stefan.wengler@hof-university.de
Kristy West Pfizer Australia Kristy.west@pfizer.com
Paul Wilson Pfizer Global, UK Paul.Wilson@Pfizer.com
Diana Woodburn AKAM Chairman, UK woodburn@marketingbp.com
Toygan Yamanel Pfizer UK Toygan.Yamanel@pfizer.com
Ho-young Yang Pfizer Korea Ho-Young.Yang@pfizer.com
George Yip Imperial College London, UK g.yip@imperial.ac.uk
Warunya Yukhong Pfizer Thailand Warunya.Yukhong@pfizer.com
Jingrong Zhang IESEG School of Management, France jingrong.zhang@ieseg.fr
Robert Zych Kontrakt OSH, Poland robert.zych@kontraktosh.pl